Embracing Faith in Business


As we step into this new year, I want to share with you some heartfelt changes that are taking place both within myself and Cliniapy Helping House LLC. For years, I’ve navigated the delicate balance between my personal faith and professional life. But today, I stand before you with a revelation that has reshaped my approach to everything I do: I will no longer separate my Christianity from my business.

Looking back, I realize I was hesitant to merge these two vital aspects of my life. Perhaps it was the fear of stigma or the uncertainty of the unknown. But the truth has now dawned upon me — God is not just a part of my life; He is the cornerstone of my calling, my abilities, and my work. Without His presence, I feel ill-equipped to assist those in need, for it is through Him that I find the strength and wisdom to connect with others.

My journey has always been about connecting with people, and for years, that connection has been filtered through my faith, through the lens that focuses on God. It’s this divine connection that has guided me to where I am today, and it’s this same connection that I want to embrace more openly in my business practices.

Two Bible verses have been particularly influential in this transformative journey:

This verse has been a bedrock of my faith, reminding me that God has a plan for each of us. In business, it’s easy to get caught up in the daily grind and lose sight of the bigger picture. Jeremiah 29:11 reassures me that every step I take is part of a larger, divine plan, filled with hope and prosperity. It’s not just about the bottom line; it’s about fulfilling God’s purpose through the work we do.

This verse speaks to the importance of internalizing God’s word, making it a part of our very being. In the context of business, it reminds me to hold tight to my values and integrity. It’s about ensuring that every decision, every interaction, and every goal aligns with the divine wisdom that guides us. It’s about being a reflection of God’s love and light in every aspect of our operations.

As we move forward, I want Cliniapy Helping House LLC to be a testament to these truths. I want our clients and partners to feel the presence of God in our sessions and group meetings. I want our business practices to reflect the divine principles that guide us.

This change is not just about me; it’s about creating a space where everyone can feel the love and guidance of God. Whether you share my faith or hold different beliefs, I want you to know that you are welcome, valued, and respected.

Let’s embark on this journey together, embracing faith, love, and service in all that we do.

With heartfelt gratitude and hope,

Raymond Bryant Jr., LMSW